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JavaScript Data Structures & Algorithms


Have you wondered how to tackle and get started on studying for data structures and algorithms? Look no more! In this self-paced course, you will be introduced to the world of data structures and algorithms! With guidance and lessons led by Software Engineer Tony Kim, you will learn the foundations of DS&A, learn how to analyze code performance, identify solving patterns, and assess your skillset with code challenges. Schedule: Self-Paced (Recorded Videos) The course workshop will cover the following content: - Phase 1: * Big O Notation * Problem Solving Patterns (Part I) - Phase 2: * Problem Solving Patterns (Part II) * Recursion * Sorting Algorithms (Part I) - Phase 3: * Linked Lists (Singly & Doubly Linked List) - Phase 4: * Stacks & Queues * Binary Search Trees - Phase 5: * Tree Traversal - Phase 6: * Binary Heaps - Phase 7: * Graphs - Phase 8: * Graph Traversal - Phase 9: * Dynamic Programming In addition, you will have access to: - Hanawilo's Slack channel to ask and post questions during the course! - Weekly assignments to assess your competency and understanding.





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